Here is a rear view of some figures from Elhiem's The Dead Shall Consume line -- Goth Gang (TDSC-11), sculpted by Matt Hingley. The entire set of painted figures (except for the "messed up zombie") can be seen on the
Elhiem website. I made some slight modifications to the female figures in the set. On the Wedding Dress Goth, I shaved her jawline a bit, and narrowed her waist. Then I added a little better definition to the right side of her corsette with Kneadatite. Since she looks like she is wielding a giant kukri (a khanra?), I carved the kaura at the base of the blade. The Gothette needed a bit more work. I think that she was supposed to be carrying a 2x4 in her hands, but I shaped it into a baseball bat. She wears a Sheepy backpack, but I'm actually going to modify it into a Hoshimaru backpack. This was the weakest figure of the set, and I had to do quite a bit of work on her face and hair. The last figure is the zombie. It's quite nice, and there's even a worm poking out from his left eye-socket!

Here are the figures after priming. The two female figures are sculpted in a style that is slightly on the thick side, but they don't look too out of place when compared to the Italeri medieval ladies. The zombie is a bit short perhaps, but he is perfectly proportioned.