Tuesday, December 8, 2020


Murlocs are the colorful Deep One expys from World of Warcraft. They range in height from 3.5 feet to 6 feet, and average about 4 feet tall.

The first miniatures of murlocs came from the World of Warcraft boardgame from Fantasy Flight Games. I was able to buy a few examples of the loose murloc miniatures many years ago, before the price of the game skyrocketed to insane levels.

The next figures are from the short lived World of Warcraft Miniatures Game made by Upper Deck, and include the Marsh Murloc and Blindlight Murloc.

The miniatures are roughly the same size, and represent the upper end of the murloc height spectrum. The Upper Deck miniatures look better than the FFG figures because they have proper murloc legs, whereas the FFG murlocs have thick human-like legs.

Another miniature that looks like it came from WoW is the Mage Knight Carapace Creature (Dragon's Gate #039), which resembles a gorloc. However, what it reminds me even more of is a piscodaemon (except taller).

I cut away the prognathous jaw, and added some Kneadatite tentacles to turn it into a proper giant piscodaemon.

I'll finish this post with the Tiik Baby from the Aquatic Familiars III set (Dark Heaven Legends 03612) which I've seen painted up as murlocs.

As far as height goes, they are pretty much the ideal height for a murloc. I really hope that Reaper will eventually restart their Boneyard program, because I would really love to get more of these little guys.

I am Murloc!


  1. They looks mostly like 28 mm miniatures than 20 mm.

  2. Hi Strategist Ultima,
    The plastic minis are definitely on the large side, and could even be considered tall for 28mm. However, I do remember really big murlocs from the Borean Tundra that were as tall or taller than humans (although my estimate may be a bit off since I usually played a gnome character, so everyone is tall).

  3. Very interesting creatures, I didn't know them! Could be nice Deep Ones for Manion of Madness boardgame. Thank you for showing them, Eric.

  4. Hi Phil,
    I agree that Murlocs would make fantastic Deep Ones. They really match Lovecraft's frog-fish description.

  5. Hey great article as always ��. I got my order of Speira minis in at last I'll be putting it up on my 20mm sci-fi thread soon the quality is so good ��.

  6. Hi Darathar,
    Look forward to your report on the Speira minis. I don't know if you saw it, but Sceavus has written a blog post on the fantasy dwarves.
