I just received my order of two of the latest Dark Alliance figure sets in the mail today, so here is a quick post on the figures.
The first set consists of Minotaurs.
The figures are well sculpted, and the minotaurs have some nice variation in the shape of their horns.
There was more flash on the figures than usual for a brand new Dark Alliance release, but it was not difficult to clean up, since the figures are so large.
The next set represents the Easterlings from The Lord of the Rings.
The figures have the Persian/Mughal appearance of the Easterlings from the Peter Jackson movies.
There is some nice variation in height, with the archers being half a head shorter than the other figures.
I also took some photos of the figures from the Heavy Warriors of the Dead set, since I had them nearby.
These figures represent the Dead Men of Dunharrow who make up the Army of the Dead from The Lord of the Rings.
The figures are actually quite versatile, and can be used as draugr, wights, Cauldron-Born, or other types of undead warriors. Many of the figures can also pass for regular warriors from the Dark Ages.
С-500 от Arma Models. По технологии прямой 3D печати.
22 minutes ago
Thank you for this review! Very informative.
Glad the post was of use.
Nice review, I quite like the look of these. Although I am somewhat bummed by the shortness of the Easterling's halberds. Far too short to be a halberd, far too large to be a normal axe. I guess you could replace the shafts with wire but it would be an annoyance to correct. It is doubly odd as otherwise the figures are incredibly close to the Easterlings in the films.
Hi Gowan,
The halberds are rather short (half the length of the ones in the movies?).
Thanks for reading!
unbelievable, Dark Alliance is my favorite producer!
Thank you EY, these sets Will also come home sooner or later...
Minotaurs will join a Chaos Beastmen force somewhen...
And the easterlings in my imagination Will join Daenerys Targaryen Unsullied Regíments...But you are quite right, wrapons are too short..I need to replace with pikes
Hi Sceavus,
I would love it if Alliance made some actual warhammer-style beastmen. Certainly GW shouldn't have much to complain about, since their beastmen started out as Broo.
I agree, Dark Alliance should move to other fantasy settings after their lord of the rings stuff. More D&D like classic fantasy :D
We can hope, though I think that Warhammer is more of a thing in Ukraine than D&D...
@EY: warhammer-style fantasy would also be nice. Too be honest I just have enough of the "lord of the rings movie" style minis :D
Other fantasy styles would be nice
oh noes, i just wanted to buy those Easterlings and Minotaurs and they are already sold out at my favorite dealer :D :D
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