Sunday, February 16, 2020

Schembart visor

The Schembart visor is said to have been named after the masked participants of the medieval Schembartlaufen. In similar fashion, helmets sporting grotesque visors were worn by the younger members of patrician families from the city of Nuremberg who participated in tournaments held during the Shrovetide festivities.

Another story suggests that these visors originated from the Hussar tournaments organized by Emperor Ferdinand I, in which participants dressed in Hungarian and Turkish costumes used sabres to strike off feathers attached to the helmets and shields of their opponents.

Most images of these visors seem to associate them with Maximilian armor.

I don't think that I've seen any 1/72 knights with this type of helmet, but I recently picked up a figure that I would like to think has a Schembart visor (though in all likelihood, he is just a landsknecht sporting a gigantic mustache).

I was unable to identify the maker, but there seem to be some kind of markings on the base.

Right now I have the figure primed, but I'm not sure if I want to paint him as a landsknecht with a Schembart visor, just a regular landsknecht, or if I want to transfer his head to a fully armored body.

I'd be interested in finding out what line of figures he comes from if anyone has any ideas.

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