Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Green Men

Ho Ho Ho!

The architectural feature known as a Green Man was brought to public consciousness through an article by Lady Raglan published in the pages of The Folklore Journal.

Those interested in the background of the Green Man can read the very comprehensive post written by historian Kevin Salt, or consult the Wiki page.

The only thing that I have to add is influenced by a book of Fortean stories I read as a child, which led me to imagine some sort of connection to the legend of the green children of Woolpit. However for gaming purposes, I've always considered Green Men to be nature spirits like ents or dryads.

I'm pretty sure that all the Green Man miniatures that have been made are in the following image. The first miniature is the Green Crusader (Baxar's War #4) from the Dreamblade CMG, followed by three Greenman figures from Midlam Miniatures (Beastmen GM1, GM2, GM3).

I like the Dreamblade figure the best because his face is the leafiest. The faces of the Midlam figures are too visibly human, but perhaps they will look better once they are painted up.

I'll close out this post with some more images related to the Green Man.

Stay Green!

Mascaron by Hans Sebald Beham

Bacchus mask by François Chauveau

Satyr mask by François Chauveau

Laureate mask by François Chauveau

Jack in the Green

Green Man

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